Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Monday, May 24, 2010


Survey many of the popular fiction works or video games and you find an interesting commonality in relation to the concept of destiny. Many people are drawn to and motivated by this notion of achieving a purpose driven existence. Though many turn to online fictional worlds to find identity and be a part of something that carries with it a feeling of meaningfulness. How can people find meaning in their life is often a question heavy on peoples mind in particular in their youth. Yet, according to our modern day worldview this system of existence leaves no room for such a reality as destiny. Even notions of conservation fail to realize that all species by necessity become extinct, and this includes the human race. All such notions surmise that if an individual truly wants his existence to be significant and virtuous, they ought to be a part of delaying global warming and saving the earth. Yet, even if man is able to delay this inevitability, the star of our solar system is dying, which is a process that is impossible to delay. When our sun dies out all life in our system will be extinguished. Ultimately, every effect of the humanity’s existence will eventually dissipate into nothingness. This means that every so called virtuous and significant accomplishment that anyone achieves will ultimately be rendered hollow. For no effect of a human existence can echo eternally, if in fact the virtue of humanity’s existence only extends to this temporal universe.

Just stop and think what is necessary for something to be given a destiny or a purpose. Behind every book and every video game are authors, creators, and designers. All such individuals are rational and intelligent beings, who are able to formulate a vision that entails plans, ends, and a final end. The characters in these books and games receive their destiny from the part they have to play in the creator’s vision that authored this fictional world. And such a system of absolutes, destiny and purpose, good and evil, are legitimate concepts that are utilized to draw the interest of those who decide to buy the games or read the books. These authors and creators establish a standard of acceptability and unacceptability that governs the actions that are performed in the system. Further, they develop identities that are shaped in view of the vision of the designers. The significance of the characters lies in their correspondence with the vision of the author. Take for example characters such as Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter, and Luke Skywalker. Each of these characters is infused by their authors with a purpose driven existence in view of the author’s vision that coordinates the ever-changing story line. This is to say that the author’s rational capacity enables for this to be accomplished.

Yet, many would lead us to believe that there is no divine reasoning that coordinates this ever-changing system, and if that is the case than all of our existences are meaningless and void of purpose. However, they attempt to deceive us into buying into their notions of destiny, virtue, and purpose after they have just ruled out the possibility of these being viable notions. A man builds a car and ordains it with a virtue of getting a person from point a to point b with the capacity for such and such a velocity and mpg etc. And this is an example of ordaining something with a virtue, however this demands a rational capacity.

If there is no rational and creative capacity behind human existence, then his existence is ultimately void of true virtue. Yet, if there is a creator, who designed each one of us, then he must have ordained a standard of acceptability to govern how should humans function. Just as we ordain a standard of acceptable functioning when we build a car in order for it to do what we designed and built it to do. But what separates humans from cars is the notion of free will, which is the capacity to choose between doing the creator’s will or not. If this is true then only by doing the creator’s will can people achieve a meaningful and purpose driven existence. Each character I mentioned had no free will for they were entirely subject to the influence of the authors will, thus they achieved precisely what the author intended them to achieve by the end of the story.

Now the question I give to you is will you choose to believe that your existence is ultimately meaningless and thus you have no moral obligation outside of promoting your own personal happiness for the remainder of your temporary existence, or will you choose to believe that your existence was intended to be meaningful because it was designed by God and thus you have a moral obligation to Him and ought to strive to discover his will for your life in order to achieve a truly purpose driven life.

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