In the beginning, God created everything with the potentiality for absolute usefulness according to the eternal ends of His Vision. This, our Creator’s Vision, is that which illuminates what will be hereafter referred to as the divinely authored Story of Creation, a story that according to our Creator’s original intention is an eternal story with a commencement but no conclusion. Since God is the Author of all existence, it is fitting to call this world His creation, and the unfolding of the happenings of this world as they unfold in accordance with His providential will His Story. This is to say that the proper unfolding of this world, is like a story, His story, the one that He wrote even before He made the world. Thus, all that He created to be part of this Eternal Story was originally ordained for perpetual usefulness, so that everything He brought into existence would carry out its preordained part that belongs to His eternal story for creation. When these parts unfold in accordance with His Vision or His plan, it brings Him joy. Like a father pleased with his children when they obey him and accomplish what he sets out for them to do, so is God proud of His creation when it brings to fruition the ends of His Vision for Creation. His original intention was that every created piece would have a specific place within His blueprint for creation and that each one would fit in such perfect and complementary relations with all other pieces within this harmonious manifold. Such obedience of all parts bears witness to His great mastery and sends up to Him an aroma of glory most sweet to Him.
All that our Heavenly Father created was originally intended to magnify Him through abiding in His will, because when the plans He has for creation come to fruition, they bear witness to His absolute perfection and absolute goodness. When we, His creation, abide in His will, we bring glory to our Heavenly Father and in a sense make Him rejoice over us like a proud father. Creation also glorifies God like how a piece of art glorifies the artist that made it. Consider every curve that Michelangelo chiseled in the marble slab and how the product of these masterful strokes would serve to bring glory to him who was the artist. The stone slab that would transform into a grand piece of art work echoes its creator’s magnificence. As each chiseled indentation collectively became the ends of Michelangelo’s Vision, they formed a harmonious manifold that is the form of one of his masterpieces, “David.” The craftsman had masterfully revealed out from the stone slab the beauty hidden within it for through his inner vision he saw the hidden form of David and sought through each stroke to bring this invisible form to increasing levels of visible manifestation. Thus, each of these strokes brought glory to the artist as they bore witness to his ingenious vision, and taken together they serve as a complete exposition of the ingeniousness of this visionary. In a similar way, what is created brings glory to its Creator by bearing witness to the Creator’s vision that authored it with all of His designs, intentions, and aspirations. Just as each chiseled curve was intended to reflect the beautifully good realities of the artist’s vision, a created reality reflects the beautiful realities of how good our Creator is by participating in the ends of His Vision. Each aspect, characteristic, and uniqueness comes together to harmoniously lift up a living testimony to the character and excellence of our Creator.
Now a defectively chiseled curve would have left a blemish on Michelangelo’s goodness as a craftsman and take away from the finished product’s intended beauty and majesty. Therefore, in a similar way, a created reality that fails to have eternal worth would have lacked goodness and beauty due to its transience. It would thereby suggest a possible shortcoming of the Creator and the goodness of His will. Such a temporal created reality would, along with its effects, ultimately fade into nothingness, because it would not endure into eternity for the Creator will not allow it. It is later however, when we will see that regardless of our failings as a rebellious race to fulfill His originally intended purpose for us, our Creator continually remains just, merciful, and perfect. We will see how even in spite of our waywardness, His loyal love endures for those who were created to be His children. He proves to be evermore truer and evermore faithful.
It was our Creator’s original intention that we would exist to be His children, for He longed to have a relationship with entities capable of engaging in a cooperative, interactive, and conscious relational association. However, this longing is not a necessary one, because His existence is not at all dependent on such associations as these. Now in order to satiate His unnecessary yearning, He formed and shaped our human existence to possess an intimate correspondence with the very image of His Godness. Such a resemblance pertains to the immaterial essence of human existence that gives rise to our unique capacity to be free moral and civil agents, capable of possessing a self-consciousness ego by being made aware of our own existence as well as our existence’s relation to external objects, and having the ability to form subjective associations and inclinations stimulated by an autonomous will unbounded by instinct or compulsion. He endowed us with such existential freedom so we can effectively serve in a centrally proactive role in the Eternal Story of Creation. This role is one that revolves around our pre-destined position as the stewards of creation, which is a position that entails the responsibility to see to it that what is made subject to us continually remains as it ought to be according to the Creator’s Vision and thereby ensuring that it perpetually glorifies the Creator. This agency of stewardship required that we would possess the capacity to rationally manage, to think creatively, form bonds of commitment and devotion, and to have subjective compassionate feelings...