“A son naturally honors his father and a slave respects his master. If I am your father, where is my honor If I am your master, where is my respect? The Lord who rules over all asks you this, you priests who make light of my name!” (Malachi 1:6)
“My, how good you have become at chasing after your lovers! Why, you could even teach prostitutes a thing or two!... But, watch out! I will bring down judgment on you because you say, “‘I have not committed any sin’” (Jeremiah 2:33-35).
“Hear the word of the Lord, you Israelites! For the Lord has a covenant lawsuit against the people of Israel. For there is neither faithfulness nor loyalty in the land, nor do they acknowledge God” (Hos 4:1).
New Testament Passages
“Who then is the faithful and wise slave, whom the master has put in charge of his household, to give the other slaves their food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom the master finds at work when he comes. I tell you the truth, the master will put him in charge of all his possessions. But if that evil slave should say to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ and he begins to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with drunkards, then the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not foresee, and will cut him in two, and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matt 24:45-51).
“If you love me, you will obey my commandments” ( John 14:15).
“My commandment is this – to love one another just as I have loved you”( John 15:12)
"Then he said to them all,' If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me" (Luke 9:23)
Re-Contextualizing Scripture for Today
easy we find it to say that God is our Heavenly Father. When times get rough we
say, “Our Heavenly Father will provide”. When we have requests to bring we pray
“Our Heavenly Father”. How easy we find it to say on Sunday, “Jesus is Lord”.
To say, "We love you Jesus".
in the passage in Malachi, God accuses His priests who found it easy to carry
out their position in society without showing Him respect or honor. He essentially
accused them of religious hypocrisy. He condemned them for treating His name
lightly, for saying YAHWEH is ADONAI (Lord/ Master) but then not living as if
He was truly the Master of their lives throughout the week, as God pointed out
how they have ignored His commandments (Mal 1:10-15). They obeyed God
half-heartedly and were devoted more to their own prosperity than their loyalty
to follow His standards.
the New Testament Jewish believers, calling Jesus Lord meant calling Him Adonai.
To them this meant He was the master of their existence and that they no
longer lived for themselves. Jesus, knowing this, accepted being called Master
and said, “If you love me[, which includes honor and respect, then] you will
obey my commandments”. If one loves Jesus than one recognizes who He is and
loves Him for who He is. Seeing as He is the Lord, to love Him means
to love Him as Lord and recognizing this position of lordship. In other words, we
must live as if He is the Lord over our relationships, choices, career, schooling,
etc.. It means to seek His will and not my will or your will over our lives.
can one say, “I love my wife”, if he does not recognize her as his wife and instead
sleeps around with other women? This would be flat out hypocrisy, especially if
the man continued to say that he loved her while living an adulterous
lifestyle. In a similar way, how can we say we love Jesus, but not obey His
commandments? In this way we show no respect for His position over our lives,
as those who identify Him as our Lord. Only by identifying Him as Lord are we
saved, but mere identification does not represent the actual fulfillment of
this claim. If I identify “Anne” as my wife, does not mean that I actually love
her like my wife. This claim necessarily entails responsibilities or else the
claim rings hollow.
He my Lord? Is He your Lord? Only how we live will reveal the answer to such
as our Lord, Jesus Christ gives us the command to love others as He has loved
us. What does it mean to love as Christ loves? We read the answer in the
following passages “So, since Christ suffered in the flesh, you also arm
yourselves with the same attitude, because the one who has suffered in the
flesh has finished with sin, in that he spends the rest of his time on earth
concerned about the will of God and not human desires;” “We have come to know
love by this: that Jesus laid down his life for us; thus we ought to lay down
our lives for our fellow brethren” (1 Pet 4:1-2; 1 John 3:16).
this we can conclude that this love entails (1) a refraining from action
(self-centered actions of living for ourselves) and (2) taking up of a
self-emptying action. Both of these entail self-denial. Yet how can we give to
others something worth giving that is of eternal benefit to them? This passage
says our lives? Yet what life is it talking about? Our old self-centered life?
No. For we read, "For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in
God" (Col 3:3). Jesus tells us that our real life is our Spirit filled
life that comes from being born by the Spirit (John 3:5-8). Therefore, the life
we must lay down is two fold. First, we must deny ourselves and become like
Christ, for only the Christ-like life is a life worth giving that is of eternal
benefit to another. This means getting the "I" out of the way, and letting
the "Christ" be manifest in
our lives by humility, meekness, and submission. Only He is the gift worth
giving that is truly beneficial, not just for a time but for an eternity.
should be no surprise then that we read the following: “Not that we are
adequate in ourselves to consider anything as if it were coming from ourselves,
but our adequacy is from God; “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who
remains in me – and I in him – bears much fruit, because apart from me you can
accomplish nothing.” (2 Cor 3:5; John 15:5). Therefore, the self-emptying
action Jesus requires of us is to become His vessel for self-emptying by which
He works in and through us to the benefit of others.
only act of love we can do in imitation of Christ is that which is a giving of
Christ Himself. This means that apart from abiding in Him, we cannot love
others. We can only love them when He loves through us and since God is love (1
John), when we love we give Christ.: “For the love of Christ controls us… [as]
we no longer live for ourselves but for him who died for them and was raised”
(2 Cor 5:14-15). Now how can we ever hope for the love of Christ to take
precedence in our daily lives? Thankfully we read elsewhere, “[This] hope does
not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts
through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Rom 5:5).
the answer comes down to being filled with the Holy Spirit. No wonder we are
called in Scripture to live by the Spirit, and we bear its fruit and gifts to
eternally benefit others (Gal 5; 1 Cor 12:1-12). And what are these gifts and
fruit? They are Spirit. This means that it is Christ's actions being produced
in us through the Spirit. It does not mean trying to produce by our own effort these
good virtues by habituation. This fruit is alien to our existence. The fruit
natural to us is the works of the flesh and they are self-centered and
un-Christlike (Gal 5?).
Himself identified those who truly recognize Him as Lord as those born by His
Spirit by which they live in and through the Spirit’s divine empowerment (John
3:5-8; Eph 3:16). So the only way we can be lovers of Christ is by recognizing
Him as our LORD in living filled with His Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit enables
us to be lovers of Him by circumcising (setting apart) our hearts and to love
others as He did (Rom 2:29). He does this by empowering us with Christ’s life,
so that He can be poured out of us like water flowing from a pitcher. The Holy
Spirit is the only living water (John 7:37-39). If we do not recognize Him as
Lord, then Christ will bring a “covenantal lawsuit” against us as unfaithful
lovers and servants of Him. This is not just an Old Testament teaching for
those who called Yahweh their Lord but one that the Matthew passage clearly affirms
as relevant to all of us today who call Jesus our Lord. This makes sense,
because Jesus is Yahweh, and He never changes (Heb 13:8).
relevance to the people of today who call Jesus their Lord comes down to the
following situation. Our culture glorifies worship of oneself, living for
oneself, and entertaining oneself. Billboards and commercials say, “Buy this,
be happy,” "pursue this career, be happy," "get a nice body, be
happy". We turn on the TV, because we deserve me-time, yet me-time has
become the defining aspect of one’s free-time.
sit down in the pews to have me-time worship that make me feel good. We want a
sermon that is me-centered that will help me with my problems and lack of
motivation. We spend our money on me-time and me-being-happy.
become the consumers that society tells us that we are, and we exist as if it
is all about me. "It's my money, why can't I spend it how I want"?
And even when we supposedly love others, it is all about how “I” can help
others. It is all about how I give up my time, resources, etc., to offer the
help of myself to others. Even our love for others is fleshly. It is as if we
do not need the power of the Spirit to love others, because the “I” can take
care of it.
have “I” centered ministries and mini-series based on what the “I” can do for
others, i.e. our own unique talents, hobbies, skills, etc. We do this and feel
good about ourselves, thinking that we have fulfilled Christ’s commandment. But
according to Scripture the answer to this is a resounding no. It is the
opposite. Instead of one manifesting to others that only God’s love and power
suffices, one suggest that the “I” or the “other-I” suffices. We become
altruistic self-centered people and not self-emptying Christ-centered people. This
is not just at Christmas time when we get the "I" what "I
wants" even if what "I wants" isn't what is actually what
"I needs". This happens all the time, because love in our cultural is
based on "I can" and "I want". Even music stars call us to
worship "I am" and not THE "I AM". "Be who I want to
be". We are quick to jump up and say “I” can do that, yet fail to realize
that Jesus taught that the “I” can do nothing apart from the Spirit’s power
that manifests the only Messiah and only Loving One, Jesus Christ. No wonder
Christ said, “If anyone wants to become My follower, he must deny himself, take
up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).
must daily put to death the American “I” mentality, and take on the Him-alone
mentality. We must daily get out of the way and introduce others to the only
real savior of loneliness, infirmity, depression, sorrow, guilt, sin,
oppression from spiritual enemies, but ultimately the Savior from the
tyrannical “I”. Christ came to save us from ourselves, the "I" that
is not the "I AM," the "I AM AGAPE-LOVE". He came to save
us from autonomous self-striving. He came to save us from the
"I-consumer" that is never satisfied. Technology can be a tool used
as an instrument for God’s glory, but to continually seek the next upgrade,
never being content with what you have is idolatry. We buy I-phone, I-pod,
I-pad that satisfies till the next one, till the next one. It is anendless
cycle of chasing after the wind. It is like the woman who kept upgrading her
I-man at the well, and was currently at least on her fifth I-man upgrade (John
4:7-26). He came to tell us that only by living in and through Him by the
Spirit’s power can we do anything truly loving that echoes eternally. He alone
gives us living waters, the Holy Spirit. The self-emptying power, the
"I-crucified" power.
only truly loving thing we can do is manifest to others that the
God-relationship alone suffices for everything. Apart from Him we are nothing
and only in Him do we come into our identities as priests of God, as those who
represent the "I AM" (God) not the "I".We exist to
introduce others to the One who lives in us. He is more than capable of taking
care of the rest.
we have to do daily is say no to “I,” whether “I want” or “I can,” but to say
“Deny I, live for Him” ; “Deny I, let Him manifest Himself through ‘I,’ and let
‘I’ get out of the way”. I may be a
coward and inconsiderate on my own, but He is bold and considerate beyond all
reckoning. I am hate, He is love. I am darkness, He is light. Only by living in
Him and through Him can He manifest His love and light through me. He is our
true life. Not the "I". ”I was born this way that is who 'I' am"
must die, for we only truly exist when the "I AM" gives birth to His
nature in us, for we were created to be Temples of Him and not temples of the
"I". And how we have found ourselves as unfaithful gods. Is that not why
we get bitter and frustrated at the weakness, foolishness, fickleness, and
stupidity of the "I"? There is no coincidence that depression is
normal in the "I-nation," even for the at the "I(s) " who
have it all, all that all the other "I's" want.
we do not die to the American independent “I” syndrome, especially the
“perfectionistic-I” of the self-powered “being the good person,” or even “I
can’t so I will just not do anything that is masked pride that says, oh God
can’t empower me like He promised,” and the most self-centered of them all the
“I exist for my own entertainment I” and the “self-made I”. God does not want
“I worship,” “I minister,” “I pray.” He wants His Spirit enabling our worship,
ministry, and prayers. He enables us to give Him acceptable obedience (Rom
8:26-27, Phil 3:3; 2 Cor 3:8-9). All we must do is admit the bankruptcy of I.
Just as Christ said, “The Spirit is the one who gives life; human nature is of
no help!” (John 6:63). He gives us His desires, His effort, His power (Phil 2:13).
we do not die to the American I syndrome, then Christ WILL come and say, “I
tell you the truth, I do not know you!” (Matt 25:12). This is because the self
we are is an I-centered self and not an I-crucified self that is willing to
live in the eternal self-denial of living for Him 100% . It is not an 'I love
Jesus' "I". He comes to take a bride made ready, with oil in the lamp
of devotion to His Lordship. He does not want slaves but friends after all, who
will willingly take up His yoke of self-denial and accept that “I” is
tyrannical and has always betrayed us. The 'I' has been an unfaithful lover. In
humility and repentance we must cry out for Him to live in and through us by
His Spirit. If not, then we will be separated from Him for all eternity, as
those who are not willing to let go of the “I.”
therefore the kindness and harshness of God – harshness toward those who have
fallen, but God’s kindness toward you, provided you continue in His kindness;
otherwise you also will be cut off” (Rom 11:22). Why would there be harshness
towards the "I"? Well lets see what the "I put myself leads to:"
lawlessness, dog eat dog, I do whatever I want, I take advantage of my
neighbor, that girl exists to please me, etc. The "I" is tyrannical,
just look at the history of the "I's" who had power and riches.
"For many live, about whom I have often told you, and now, with tears, I
tell you that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is
destruction, their god is the belly, they exult in their shame, and they think
about earthly things" (Phil 3:18-19). Therefore, if we do not embrace the
"I-crucified" life, we will be left with the "empty I" for
all eternity, because our heart has already been given away to the
"I" and not the "Him".
I ask you, “Is Christ your Master or is the I-mentality your master?” To answer
this you must reflect not on your life once a week, an hour a day, but the
lifestyle you embrace. Are you infected with the American “I” syndrome? Christ
can save you from that. That is what the Cross is all about. And if you were
told that the cross was just about you so you wouldn’t go to hell after you
died and that you should be a “good I,” who gives up 10% of yourself a week,
then maybe you should question whether or not the real gospel was preached to
you. He calls us to give up 100% of "I". How would you like to marry
one who gives only 10% of themselves to you? If you want both the "I"
of materialism, consumerism, and entertainment and the "I-crucified, then
you're are out of luck. Christ came to make disciples of those who pick up the
cross of self-denial daily.
without sanctification does not exist before the throne of the One who wants to
be both Lord and Savior over our lives. He knows that only as Lord in our lives
can He put “I” to death and this is how He truly saves from the tyrannical “I”
that is never satiated.
how all the things that they said would make the “I” happy and how you realized
that they didn’t, that was the tyrannical “I's” deception. So is the deception
that we can both have the “I” and salvation, both the American Dream and
Heaven, both the benefits materialism and the benefits of the Cross.
must all admit that we have been betrayed by the “I,” so why don’t we stop
playing games with American religiosity and die so that we may truly live as
those empowered by the Spirit who manifest Him and not the “I”? There is no
Christian I-centered existence, and that is just the falsehood made up by those
who want to make a consumer friendly Gospel that only requires giving Christ
10% lordship and let society, or "the collective I," dictate how we
live the other 90%. They said that we can have both Jesus and egocentric
materialism/ consumerism/ entertainment or that we can have both Jesus and
self-help/ self-power/ self-righteousness, or we can have both Jesus and the
social gospel of self-centered altruism that teaches that the “I” can save
others and love others as Christ did without the Spirit. Youth ministries often
try to satisfy the "I want" of my generation by giving what "I
wants" a 'Christian' label. The real truth is that Christ died so that we
could truly live. But we only truly live when we die so that He can live
through us. This is because He created us to bear His image not the
"I" image. Do we not read in Scripture, "[Be] clothed with the
new man that is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of the one
who created it" (Col 3:10).
is the true God-relationship. People talk about Christianity not being a
religion, but a relationship, but it's about time we actually consider the
implications of this. Either "I" or "I-crucified". Only the
latter is a true lover of Christ. This is true Christianity. All else will be
exposed in time. Those who glorify the "I," who hold self-striving as
lord in their lives instead of Christ or those who sit back living for
themselves and let the world burn will only be left with the "empty
I" for all eternity, and we all know what the "empty I" means. I
remember the time when I treated a girl as an "my object," because
that is what the society and “I” told me would satisfy. Yeah it looked like it
would but afterwards I was only left with empty I. Or when I was a
perfectionistic-I who never was perfected but only an "empty I" who
hated myself. Only those empowered by the Spirit are a light to the world, for
only God is light. We are not. The salt that loses its flavor will be thrown
into the fire (Matt 5:13). He alone is the flavor of our existence, and if we
do not have this flavor as our lifestyle, then we have chosen to remain as nothing.
This is the Whole Truth, God’s Truth, so throw out the garbage of the lukewarm
Gospel of compromise, for it betrays just as the “I” has betrayed us.
just as you stated, Christ is able to deliver us from whatever is holding us back from Him. We must have faith to believe God will deliver us from our sinfulness completely because "without faith it is impossible to please God." This reflects God's command to "be perfect as He is perfect." We have to believe that God can and will perfect us in His Spirit to be His eternal children though the deliverance and infilling of the Holy Spirit within us-His people. Otherwise we will be like the Israelites who lived under God's protection and were surrounded by His very presence and power, yet look what happened, they gave themselves over to the sinful nature (i.e. sexual immorality, idolatry, grumbling, etc.)God commands us to be free from sin and we must be set free from sin in this lifetime unless we claim that our sin is too great for God to overcome. 1 John talks about God's love being made perfect in us. That says enough, that God is able to and will perfect His love in us, thus fulfilling His command to "be perfect as He is perfect." It is not only possible for us to be set free from sin, but it also must happen for us to be heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ as scripture states. Can we be perfect? not in ourselves as Christ said "with man it is impossible but with God all things are possilbe." So when we proclaim that God's Word is true and we must "deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow Christ daily," then that means we are dead to self (sin) and alive in Christ (His holiness, love, righteousness, perfection, etc). God said He would make away out of every temptation so that we would not fall into temptation. Thus, we have no excuse for sinning. God always makes a way out. We cannot continue in sin and continue in Christ. "We cannot serve two masters (both good and evil, God and sin). Sin must be put to death as this blog has stated over and over and we must have faith in that God will set us free from sin. Enough is enough. Sin must be put to death so that Jesus' message will be fulfilled: to deny ourselves, take up His cross, and follow Him daily. God's "love covers a multitude of sins." But He will not cover our sin unless that sin is put to death, never to return again. Not only will our sin be put to death, but so will our desires for that sin. The act of sin and the desire of sin will be put to death if Christ's love is in us, because when His love is in us then we will hate the sin and not fall into it anymore. We cannot come against other peoples sin while we are still in sin. Being a Christian is a call to be a perfected Christ-follower. He is worthy! oh the joy of being set free from every evil sin and never having a desire for sin again! God is able. To we believe He is able or are we going to leave room for our "imperfection" to cause us to sin? No, our imperfection is put to death through Christ's perfection. Imperfection is a sin. Christ died for all sin. Thus, Christ is able to perfect us in His Spirit in this lifetime through his commands to "be perfect as He is perfect" and to "deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow Him." Or do we think Christ cannot fulfill His own commandments for us? If Christ commanded us to do these things through Himself, then He will do it. Otherwise we make Christ out to be a liar and unfaithful. But scripture says He is faithful so we must believe His scripture. We cannot say "it is impossible to fulfill these commands" when Christ, who is able to fulfill these commands in us, commanded it. The flesh must be overcome in order to be His disciple (His follower).